Sabtu, 05 November 2011


by: Abu Najmah Khairiyah

Among the countless blessings for us all is ni'matul form or a delicious life. That we identified as one of His creatures that glorified living in this universe. The gift of a second, ni'matul beings, the fact that we are human beings who are defined as having advantages, advantages in physical and spiritual structure than other creatures.
Allah swt give us the ability to read and write, ability to explain, to understand the power of His verses express and implied, among His Signs is the phenomenon that is not written in this universe.
More than that, there is a much greater gift. This favors the noblest and most valuable.And this is not God give to all men, but only to us."Surely the pleasure I give to religion only servant whom I choose from My servants the righteous." (Al Hadith).Therefore we must be thankful for this blessing. This is the only way that God gave to us so that we get a good / glory in the world and the Hereafter.(Surah Thanker favors Islamic guidance in several ways.
First, grateful for this favor by growing feeling that we are proud and noble religion of Islam.We should feel proud, confident that we are Muslims. Tell all the people with pride, "I am a Muslim. I am the people of the Qur'an.Formerly the companions are very proud to be Muslim. They say, "My father is a Muslim.Salman who boasts his Islamic faith, do not tell her Persian descent, but he said aloud, "I am the son of Islam." This is why the Messenger of Allah declared that, "Salman is a part of our family, part of the family of Muhammad.""Say, O People of the book let to a sentence (decree) that there is no dispute between us and you that we do not worship except Allah and we do not associate him with is nothing and not (also) some of us shall take others as lords other than Allah . If they turn away, say, that we are the ones who surrendered (to Allah). " "We believe in Allah, and bear witness that we are the ones who give themselves up." We should be proud that we are Muslims.Therefore we must be proud, because we're the dinanti-nanti/dirindukan by mankind. We are a mercy for the universe. We are like water that missed by those who thirst for hunger.We are the foods that are being dreamed up by people who are hungry. We are a long-awaited thabib patients.Another fact, we should be proud to be Muslim, is that we have a holy book. Not one letter or any point that will change the sanctity of the Koran that it is definitely be kept by God. Al-Qur'an in Indonesia is the Qur'an that exists and is read by our brethren on the other face of the earth. Al-Quran is printed in Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt is the Qur'an printed all over the world. Therefore, we have a very strong reason that we are the most entitled to convey the truth of God to all mankind.
A blessing

We are blessing for all mankind. Mercy for far and near. Grace in a state of peace and a state of war. Grace for Muslims and Muslimat. Grace for humans and animals. Grace for Muslims and non-Muslims. Grace to our social environment. This suggests that the prominent properties, and attached to Allah is Ar Rahman Ar Rahim. Our role model Prophet in his life fairy has an attitude of love. Thus we glorify Allah with the Qur'an and His Messenger.Similarly, Islamic mercy in war. War is an abomination in the case of Islam even though the war as an imposed reality in life. That is why Islam explains that we are a godsend to people even if we fight.No man who loves war. No man is happy with bloodshed. When all the people of Quraysh gathered around the Grand Mosque as the loser, the Prophet asked them, "What do you guess what I would do to you?" The people of Quraysh were bowed by saying, "We thought you would have done something good for us because you are our brother noble (karim akhun), "Then the Messenger of Allah said to them," idzhabu faantum thulaqa '.(Today there is no grudge. Today you are free to all. Compare with the caricature portrayed by the Danes about the cartoons depicting Prophet Prophet surrounded by women while wielding a sword. It's quite the opposite (contradictory) with glory and love the Prophet. If our duty is ingratitude towards Islam, then we should be proud of Islam, and that means us to be committed and consistent, and consistent with the teachings of Islam. Not just with words that we are Muslims, but we must practice what is taught by Islam.Islam should be coloring our lives, in ways of thinking, behaving, feeling, and in all our lifestyle all. Islam as the sole director in all aspects of our lives. If life is not accompanied by Islam will make the pursuer will be disappointed and lifelong regret.Let us make Islam as our flesh and blood of our identity. Anywhere and anytime. Because, if Muslims were not pleased with his Islam, that's one indication of the initial decline of Islam occurred.

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