Senin, 21 November 2011

Life is a struggle

Life is a struggle

A Muslim believes that life in this world is to work, and the results will be accounted forlater Hereafter, it means the mind of every Muslim in his life he had to deliver the best in him, so he can obtain good results later Hereafter, not a good Muslim, expect only good results but do not want to work well.
Besides the work, it must fit the rules, because the Prophet Muhammad was sent to show you how to work well, so the work that led to good results, a good job, if done in an improper way, it will not produce the good. Therefore if you want to get good results, workwell and do it the right way as it has promoted the Prophet Muhammed.
Read also a happy family

Minggu, 06 November 2011


by Abu Najmah Khairiyah

Tweak for Windows Operating Systems make more agile WINDOWSOperating system like windows also require health care, but the difference between your windows operating system maintenance, it can be done with the help of software ketiga.Mengapa the windows need to care? Yes because after a long time we used it for a wide variety of multimedia interests, work, play games, internet etc. was, of course, we frequently install or uninstall applications, files downloaded from the internet that a lot of produce history and junk files, making it a bit at least make our computer becomes slow because it must read the files they will be when bootingnya, especially the remnantsregistry of applications we've ever plug is still there and sometimes even still aktif.Disinilah necessary applications to tweak your windows operating system, to clean registry remnants, discard the junk files, tidying the files on my hard drive, and even shut down the program that is not required at system start-up, so expect your windows system to work more optimal.Disini I include some tweaks Windows applications are very useful, there is even a very complete and its free to use forever the TweakNow PowerPack 2009, I personally recommend this to you, now up to you to make choices included a brief guide anda.Juga enter the respective applications that I pack in winrar file, congratulations to download, hopefully you are satisfied!
1.Advanced Registry Optimizer 2008 V5.3This application may fix some common problems on Windows operating systems that often occur as the internet connection suddenly slows down, delete the application correctly, the slower PC performance and others. Website: Specifications: Windows 2000/XP/Vista
2.Fresh UI 8:33Fresh UI is the utility that can configure a avg optimization of the Windows operating system in order to appear more fresh. Comes with hundreds of important tools such as Customize UI (User Interface), optimizing system settings, hardware opyimasi and others.Website: FreewareSpecifications: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista

Sabtu, 05 November 2011

Muslim family

Muslim Household
By: Abu Najmah Khairiyah

As to whether the form of our family? Understandably, some say my my paradise. But, not a little to say my house like hell. Or, just bland. There was no sense that we have a family.Whatever form our family it is the result of a combination of three constituent factors. The third factor is the paradigm that we have about the family, the competence of all members of our family in building a family, and what kind of activities that exist in our family.
If in our paradigm is that a happy family who wallow property, then our motivation in the family is mengkapitasisasi wealth. So, we will look for a wife or husband and only child of a rich future in-laws. Center of our attention is the increase in family wealth.For the paradigm of a Muslim family comes from the motivation that the family is to worship God, to maintain personal purity, and charity realize that family is part of a movement to uphold the laws of God on earth. Thus, the center of attention in a family is to improve the quality ruhiyah, fikriyah, nafsiyah (emotional psychological), jasadiyah, and socialization of every member of his family.
Therefore, building a family sakinah mawadah wa Rahmah (Samara) is a target to be achieved in forming a Muslim family. In Samara's family that we would give birth to a private Islamic current and future.So it is very important for a Muslim to build competencies to build a family. What is a competence of a family? Competence menage is all the knowledge, skills, and basic attitudes that must be owned that one can successfully build a strong domestic base that became the rule of Islamic values ​​in society. So no wonder the Prophet. tells us to be very clever to choose a spouse. Do not just choose.
Abi Hurairah r.a. said, that the Messenger of Allah. has said, "A woman married for four cases: because of his wealth, because of his descendants, because of her beauty, and because of his religion. Blessed are those who marry a woman because of her religion, and lost the person who married a woman just because of wealth, beauty, and his descendants. "(Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)Abdillah bin Amrin r.a. said, that Rasu-lullah saw. has said, "Do not marry a woman only for her beauty, because beauty is in time will be lost. You shall not marry a woman just because of his wealth, because wealth may make arrogant. But marry a woman because of her religion. For a woman that ugly anymore black slave who has a religious dark (strong in religion) is better than a free woman again pretty rich, but not religious. "(Narrated by Ibn Majah).
Ibn Abbas r.a. said, that the Holy Prophet. has said, "Four cases, whoever had it meant he got the happiness of the world and the hereafter: the heart is always grateful, always verbal dhikr, the body gets impatient dikala disaster, and a wife who could guard her honor and her husband can keep the treasure." (HR . Thabrani in the book Al-Kabir and Al-Ausath, being sanad in one and two is good history).
Keshalihan ourselves and our spouse is the family forming the basis of capital Samara. As to whether the family Samara? The family with the following characteristics:
1. Families built by husband and wife are righteous.2. Families whose members have the awareness to keep the principles and norms of Islam.3. Families that encourage all members to follow Islamic fikrah.4. Families whose family members are involved in the activities of worship and preaching, in any form and scale.5. The family guarding the civilized manners of Islam in all sides of domestic life.6. Families whose members carry out the obligations and rights of each.7. Families are good in implementing tarbiyatul aulad (process of educating the children).8. Good family in mentarbiyah khadimah (educate helpers).

And among the signs of His power is that He created for you wives from jenismu own, so you tend to feel peaceful and him, and made him among you a sense of love and affection.Verily in this is truly there are signs for those who think. [QS. Rum (30): 21]
For what God gave to Samara Muslim couples? As the capital to achieve happiness. Is not the purpose of our life as a human being is to obtain happiness? For a Muslim, there are three levels of happiness to be achieved in accordance with QS. Al-Baqarah (2) paragraph 201.And among them there are people who pray, "Our Lord, grant us good in this world and good in the Hereafter and save us from the punishment of hell"That's the best of a Muslim prayer. We aspire to achieve happiness in the world. When leaving the world, we get happiness in the hereafter. What is meant by al-hasanah (goodness) in the afterlife is heaven. But, there are people who go to heaven and there are people who cleaned his sins in hell and then go to heaven. Well, obsession is the highest we wa qinaa adzaaban true, untouched paradise with the fire of hell first. Because, this is the real success for himself a believer.
Every soul shall taste death. And only on the day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages. Whoever kept out of hell and put in heaven, then indeed he has been lucky. Life of this world is nothing but a deceptive pleasure. [QS. Ali Imran (3): 185]
Therefore, prayer rabbanaa atinaa fiiddunya hasanah ... must be the greatness that is always hum by every Muslim throughout his life in the world. When a Muslim and Muslim marriage, the symbols are transformed into: "O ye who believe, guard yourselves and your families from hellfire which fuel is men and stones; guardian angels who are rude, loud, and do not disobey Allah in what which he commanded them and always do what they're told. "(Surat at-Tahrim (66): 6)
This is the fundamental duty of a head of household: keeping none of his family members touched by the fire of hell. To show that this task is very important, God Almighty. visualize how the enormity of hell and uncomfortable people who enter into it. In fact, people who go to hell into fuel. Treated rough and hard. In fact, we never pleased if our wives harassed people on the street, we get angry when our children hurt people, we do not want our family members uncomfortable due to heat or rain. That form of our affection to them.Supposedly, the form of affection is also about their fate in the hereafter. We do not want one of our family members touched by the fire of hell.
This formidable task would not be borne by the householder himself without any mutual desire of each family member. That is, it would be easier if a husband married a Muslim who had a vision in common: both want to enter Paradise without being touched by the fire of hell. This is one reason that we should not be long in choosing a life partner.
Therefore, the relationship of husband and wife, parent and child, is the relationship of mutual help. Each other mutual help so as not touched by the fire of hell. "And those who believe that men and women, some of them (are) be a helper for some others. they asked (to do) that ma'ruf, preventing it from being evil, establishing prayers, practice regular charity and they obey Allah and His Messenger. they would be given the grace by God, Allah is Mighty, Wise. "[QS. At-Tawbah (9): 71]
Please help. That's the key word pairs Samara in managing the family. Husband and wife will share the roles and responsibilities in managing their family. What a beautiful picture of the couple are like this. Her husband was a full sense of responsibility, his wife was able to keep yourself and put yourself. "The man is a leader for women, because Allah has preferred some of their (male) over others (women), and because they (men) have been spend of their property. Because it's the woman who is a devout shalihah longer maintain themselves to God when his absence, because God has preserved them. "[QS. An-Nisa '(4): 34]Married couples who like it are well aware that the family should be managed as an organization. Is not the family is the smallest unit in the community organizational structure?Is not family miniature a country? So, why do so many families go without adequate organization?
If we believe that the family is an institution, then the institution should be organized. There is no leader-led. The bond between leader and led is the bond of cooperation.Cooperation must have measurable objectives. And objectives to be achieved must know how to achieve it. That means, how achievements should be planned. Each new plan can be successful if a strong diiringin (azzam).And one secret of success is the realization of a plan when the plan was made with the principle of shura. The higher the level of participation, the higher the potential success of that goal is achieved. This is one secret of the Prophet. manage the companions.Because the Prophet. besides berlemah-soft, they also took an active role in the deliberations to make strategic plans (see QS. Ali Imran (3): 159].That is, the family also will successfully reach its goals if you apply the principle of shura in its planning. In fact, for the affairs of weaning (mother stopped giving milk) must disyurakan. This command of Allah. Please refer to QS. Al-Baqarah (2) paragraph 233.So, if you want no one family was touched by the fire of hell, we must plan for it. Set this as our family's vision. Then, breakdown in order to be a step in the applicative. If we are detailed, some will be like this.The vision of our families:None of the family members touched by the fire of hell و قنا عذاب النارThe mission of our families:1. Achieve the degree of real piety التقوى حق تقاته))2. Getting a noble life or martyrdom عيش كريما أو مت شهيد))Strategies to achieve the vision and mission of our families:1. Each family member to follow tarbiyah (education) in the form of recitations of the Quran, there is a process tazkiyah (self cleaning), and taklim.2. Each family member to practice until the degree of charity.3. Each family member FII sabilillah preaching and jihad.4. There are family members who become leaders in the community (verb istikhlafu Ardhi).Policy directions of our families:1. All members of our families have tertarbiyah.2. Each family member must have excellent personal worship schedule, both ritually and socially.3. In jama'i (together), the family must have a schedule of worship leading, both ritual and social.4. Must have a propaganda agenda in the family.5. Must have a propaganda agenda in to the surrounding community.6. Bringing the family atmosphere that supports the achievement of the vision and mission of the family.7. Educate each family member to achieve quality as a leader of the family.8. Provide facilities and infrastructure to support the achievement of the vision and mission of the family.


by: Abu Najmah Khairiyah

Among the countless blessings for us all is ni'matul form or a delicious life. That we identified as one of His creatures that glorified living in this universe. The gift of a second, ni'matul beings, the fact that we are human beings who are defined as having advantages, advantages in physical and spiritual structure than other creatures.
Allah swt give us the ability to read and write, ability to explain, to understand the power of His verses express and implied, among His Signs is the phenomenon that is not written in this universe.
More than that, there is a much greater gift. This favors the noblest and most valuable.And this is not God give to all men, but only to us."Surely the pleasure I give to religion only servant whom I choose from My servants the righteous." (Al Hadith).Therefore we must be thankful for this blessing. This is the only way that God gave to us so that we get a good / glory in the world and the Hereafter.(Surah Thanker favors Islamic guidance in several ways.
First, grateful for this favor by growing feeling that we are proud and noble religion of Islam.We should feel proud, confident that we are Muslims. Tell all the people with pride, "I am a Muslim. I am the people of the Qur'an.Formerly the companions are very proud to be Muslim. They say, "My father is a Muslim.Salman who boasts his Islamic faith, do not tell her Persian descent, but he said aloud, "I am the son of Islam." This is why the Messenger of Allah declared that, "Salman is a part of our family, part of the family of Muhammad.""Say, O People of the book let to a sentence (decree) that there is no dispute between us and you that we do not worship except Allah and we do not associate him with is nothing and not (also) some of us shall take others as lords other than Allah . If they turn away, say, that we are the ones who surrendered (to Allah). " "We believe in Allah, and bear witness that we are the ones who give themselves up." We should be proud that we are Muslims.Therefore we must be proud, because we're the dinanti-nanti/dirindukan by mankind. We are a mercy for the universe. We are like water that missed by those who thirst for hunger.We are the foods that are being dreamed up by people who are hungry. We are a long-awaited thabib patients.Another fact, we should be proud to be Muslim, is that we have a holy book. Not one letter or any point that will change the sanctity of the Koran that it is definitely be kept by God. Al-Qur'an in Indonesia is the Qur'an that exists and is read by our brethren on the other face of the earth. Al-Quran is printed in Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt is the Qur'an printed all over the world. Therefore, we have a very strong reason that we are the most entitled to convey the truth of God to all mankind.
A blessing

We are blessing for all mankind. Mercy for far and near. Grace in a state of peace and a state of war. Grace for Muslims and Muslimat. Grace for humans and animals. Grace for Muslims and non-Muslims. Grace to our social environment. This suggests that the prominent properties, and attached to Allah is Ar Rahman Ar Rahim. Our role model Prophet in his life fairy has an attitude of love. Thus we glorify Allah with the Qur'an and His Messenger.Similarly, Islamic mercy in war. War is an abomination in the case of Islam even though the war as an imposed reality in life. That is why Islam explains that we are a godsend to people even if we fight.No man who loves war. No man is happy with bloodshed. When all the people of Quraysh gathered around the Grand Mosque as the loser, the Prophet asked them, "What do you guess what I would do to you?" The people of Quraysh were bowed by saying, "We thought you would have done something good for us because you are our brother noble (karim akhun), "Then the Messenger of Allah said to them," idzhabu faantum thulaqa '.(Today there is no grudge. Today you are free to all. Compare with the caricature portrayed by the Danes about the cartoons depicting Prophet Prophet surrounded by women while wielding a sword. It's quite the opposite (contradictory) with glory and love the Prophet. If our duty is ingratitude towards Islam, then we should be proud of Islam, and that means us to be committed and consistent, and consistent with the teachings of Islam. Not just with words that we are Muslims, but we must practice what is taught by Islam.Islam should be coloring our lives, in ways of thinking, behaving, feeling, and in all our lifestyle all. Islam as the sole director in all aspects of our lives. If life is not accompanied by Islam will make the pursuer will be disappointed and lifelong regret.Let us make Islam as our flesh and blood of our identity. Anywhere and anytime. Because, if Muslims were not pleased with his Islam, that's one indication of the initial decline of Islam occurred.